By Areli Paz
🎧 Audiocolumn

Manipulation: powerful seduction

Strategy: the path that is traced in order to seduce

Trap: Seduction strategy to manipulate.

We knew it was Claudia.

We know that the president privately and publicly always saw her as his successor.

We know that he built the road for him and for that he worked for 5 years. He had to extend his only chance to be president, he had to guarantee that power would not leave his hands.

Congratulations to Claudia, she is undoubtedly an intelligent woman who knew how to get to this point, with or without the help, support or impulse of men. We cannot close our eyes to the fact that we still live in a society in which power is held by men and if they want, they share it with you in certain groups or professions.

We have gained space, we have built better and we are learning to make great teams with the ones we have together. But this is still a long way off.

I am intrigued to read on the net and document sentence by sentence "the celebration" of some men (whom I know) congratulating the opportunity to have a female president.

I would love for your happiness to be translated into equal treatment of women, to be translated into listening to them and empowering them on a daily basis, respecting their opinion, not only when it is necessary to look good on the net.

How nice that a man of such power trusts a woman, that is always appreciated, especially in a macho world where men of power toy with the idea of conferring power "for a little while".

It is too bad that President López Obrador is using her as an extension of his mandate. Although he insists that she will go to "La Chingada" and will never return to the public scene, we know that Claudia is part of his manipulation strategy to continue governing.

But, how to make it smooth, how to make it digestible for his political base that claims he does not want to stay another six years, how to justify his lust for power, how to build a narrative of transfer of power without losing it? Very simple: with symbols, as he likes.

The baton is a trap, it is only a symbol with which López Obrador seeks to perpetuate his image, figure and spirit. I am not saying it myself, his case is a psychiatric analysis in which he wants to mutate into everything to be remembered forever.

If he really wanted to transfer power to Claudia, he would not embark her on an empty and inexplicable ceremony, especially when he was handed over to him by native peoples on December 1, 2018 as a sign of trust and leadership.

Did he ask the indigenous peoples about his charade, did he tell them that he intended to tie himself to Claudia and his presidential future?

He has constructed the false narrative, artificially inflated and with his sights set on remaining in power. Whoever says otherwise must prove it, because all the signals he has launched in a week are directed to the fact that he will be the campaign coordinator, will be the candidate, president, strategist and eternal baton of command.

Using a woman for your plans is low. Using a woman to see yourself as respectful and caring for her makes you low. Using a woman is old-fashioned.

We will have a female president and that is to be celebrated regardless of affiliation, taste or effort on one side or the other.

It will be an important milestone that will serve for more women to hold power, for them, for their talent, for their history and not only for the construction of a tricky narrative.

Talent, ability, good results and the execution of power have no gender. You know or you don't know, you can or you can't, you perform or you don't, that's the real transfer of power between men and women.

By the way, do not say "woman president", just President. Thus in capital letters and with the reference of one who will make history.

Women who are already changing history, good intentions are on the table.


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