By Areli Paz

Polarization: personal decision to act and express opinions from the extremes.
Mexico has never been as polarized as it is now, a recurring phrase of eternal conversations in which we start at the table and end up sitting from corner to corner only with our like-minded.
Lost friendships, broken conversations, unnecessary anger and irrational defenses.
Are we more divided than before? No. Inequality, racism and classism have always been latent, they always hit society but at some point in our arrogance we believed that Mexicans had overcome them.
Often the human condition and our interpersonal relationships lead us to this comfortable side of our truth and absolutism to try to protect our ideas and interests. Worse still, trying to convince those next to us without understanding that each context of life is different, that phrase "everyone speaks as he/she goes at the fair" is the basis to understand from where we give our opinion.
What we are now is more politicized, or we think we are, due to the advantage that social networks have given us to express our opinion on whatever, whenever and however we want. The democratization of public opinion based on being all equal in a network has confused us from what it means to operate in real life, that which daily gives us real slaps and in which we should concentrate the solution of problems.
That is why it is so important to understand words and their meaning, especially when it comes to political definitions.
Morena supporters feel that Obradorizing the country is a good option, it is to give it justice, truth and even that special touch of a leader.
Politicians in power today are determined not to lose it, whatever it takes, including perpetuating López Obrador's image to keep his legacy alive, a legacy that, by the way, is under discussion due to the seriousness of some decisions and results.
Obradorizing is not a way of life because if it were, this government would have to provide conditions for everyone to have a gray house and a chocolate company from which millionaires flourish as if in pots.
Obradorizing is only a figure that those who have lost the ability to debate in the face of reality intend to eternalize; it is a political system, a form of government that we may like or not, but today it has been effective in guaranteeing at least one more six-year term.
The jumble of concepts makes noise in society. That is why it is so important that all those who call themselves "politicized" read, listen and go out to the street, that they travel around a country of many countries where reality is much crueler, harder and more difficult than a 3-hour morning commute.
In the end, my "suspiciousness" leads me to think that the word Obradorize will end up being in Mexico a synonym of polarization, religion for some and shaking of others.
Let's not stop at phrases, we citizens have shown that we can do more and better when we join forces in what is in our interest. Whatever it is for the benefit of all.
Polarizing is very dangerous, we can unintentionally generate violent micro-environments from which it will be very difficult to get out. And if there is something we have to stop in this country, it is violence and it is everyone's responsibility.
The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of Opinion 51.
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