By Gabriela Sotomayor
For the first time a woman is president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). Earlier this year, Minister Norma Lucía Piña was distinguished with the position and for the first time, the head of the Judicial Power has such a challenge on her shoulders: to declare unconstitutional the plan B of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and defend the young Mexican democracy or go back in history and return to the times of the dictatorship of a party. The future of Mexico depends on a woman. Expectations are high, let's hope she rises to the occasion.
On Sunday, more than 100 thousand people filled the Zócalo and surrounding streets to ask the SCJN to rule against this initiative that violates the Constitution, we already know that for López Obrador the Magna Carta is a dead letter, that is why it is the duty and responsibility of Minister Piña to revive those paragraphs forgotten in a drawer in the National Palace. That memorable Sunday, Mexicans of all kinds laid hundreds of flowers at the entrance of the Court to call her attention, they could not go unnoticed. It is in her power to put an end to this nonsense.