By Fátima Masse
As the new year begins, so do the hopes of doing everything better, both at an individual and corporate level.
If 2024 was the year in which "we all arrived," as Dr. Sheinbaum said, I would like 2025 to be the year in which the economic gaps between women and men close faster. However, this will only be achieved if companies step up the pace to improve their working conditions.
I don't have a crystal ball, but I would expect more companies of all sizes to be willing to invest time, money and effort in the inclusion of women this year. First, because it looks good in the public eye. Second, because thanks to the constitutional reform to eliminate the wage gap, secondary laws are expected to promote better working conditions for female employees.
Suffice it to mention that in the Chamber of Deputies 2024 closed with an initiative by Movimiento Ciudadano that seeks to to fine companies that perpetuate unequal pay between men and women with up to 540,000 pesos.. If these types of measures are approved, even companies that are not committed to inclusion will have to implement gender actions to avoid sanctions.
What can companies do in this context?
The first step is to consider this agenda at the highest decision-making level. Taking steps in favor of gender equality is good business, whether it is to avoid a fine, obtain a badge, attract a client committed to sustainability or improve the organizational climate.
At the same time, it is essential to have a quantitative and qualitative diagnosis. There are few hard and fast rules in gender equality, because the most effective actions are those that respond to the characteristics of each company and the needs of its workforce. Among the most important indicators to be measured is the wage gap. It is not enough to think that the company does not discriminate; it must be checked against the payroll figures.
With a diagnosis, objectives and priorities can be defined. What is the problem that most concerns the company and its employees? Once identified, actions can be designed that are feasible and adapted to the available resources. For companies that are at this stage, the document "Progress and Goals of the Private Sector in the Area of Gender Equality" by Global Compact Mexico and UN Women Mexico. by Global Compact Mexico and UN Women Mexico offers a catalog for large companies and another for MSMEs with specific ideas that can be implemented.
Finally, if you already have a gender equality policy, it is very important to consult your staff on a recurring basis and to have indicators to measure progress or setbacks. This will give continuity to the agenda and allow you to confirm whether you are on the right track.
I wish you all an excellent start to the year. This 2025 is a new opportunity to take firm steps and transform the narratives into concrete actions so that more women have better quality jobs and have the possibility to grow along the professional path.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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