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By Edmée Pardo

There are readings that are not made through letters, words, symbols, reliefs or numbers. They are readings that contemplate the invisible to the eyes of most people, but for some, for those who connect with a subtle dimension of existence, it is possible. It is the reading of the energetic field that emanates from each living being and that reflects its emotional, spiritual and physical state. It is called reading the aura.

Needless to say, being literate and educated does not make me capable of deciphering and understanding most of the readings, I can barely handle those of common language, made with words and in two languages. Reading the aura, even though I feel I am an expert in the subject of reading, is not a skill I possess either.

 Since ancient times, various cultures have believed in the energy that inhabits and emanates from living beings (called chi, prana, vibra, energy or aura), and over the centuries they have developed ways of interpreting it, looking for clues about a person's health, spirituality and well-being in its color, intensity and shape. 

The aura is constantly changing according to our emotions, thoughts and health conditions. How do I know? Because that's what experts in the field say. A blue aura may reflect calm and serenity, while a red one may be linked to passion, energy or even anger. Green can be associated with healing and harmony, yellow with creativity and optimism, and violet with spirituality and connection to the divine.

There is a technology for visualizing the aura, the Kirlian camera, equipped with various techniques designed to capture the electrical discharges of a body. Seymon Kirlian discovered it by chance when he noticed that if an object is connected to a high voltage source, it produces an image on the photographic plate called the corona effect. When the photo is developed, it reveals a bright, colorful halo around the individual or object. Investing in such a camera to serve pedestrians is something Kirlian never dreamed of. My nephew is an indigo child, he was told 27 years ago in Tepoztlán after his mother stood in a long line with tourists and gullible people who wanted to know the color of his aura.   

The interesting thing is that according to experts we can all learn to feel and read the aura, although some have a more pronounced natural sensitivity. It is a matter of placing the subject on a neutral background, it can be standing in front of a white wall illuminated with natural light. Then relax the focus, squint the eyelids, wait for the edges to soften and a mist to appear around the body; if done for several minutes that mist will have a color. Beginners can start with their own hand on a white sheet and practice. Either way, looking for the aura, reading it at best, is a reminder that we are more than physical bodies; we are vibrant, light-filled beings.

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