By Diana J. Torres
I have a habit when I wake up, before starting the day, to stay in bed for half an hour watching stupid things, usually stand up or humor, on instagram.
I do it mainly to start the day laughing, which is a healthy praxis I've been doing since I was a little girl when the first thing I did, as I hurriedly swallowed my breakfast before going to school, was to grab my Mafalda comic book or similar.
Starting the day with laughter because much of what will happen when I walk through the threshold of my door and into reality will not be funny to me.
The world out there is too sad and rather tedious.
The thing is that today I really did spend about an hour laughing with a guy who basically said in his comedy act that the dragqueens of heterosexual people are the politicians. His reflection was actually quite sharp and accurate as he described that performance of the political class as a masculinity that doesn't know how to dress or purposely dresses in a horrible and boring way and entertains people by deliberately lying.
He went even further: he commented that the attraction straight people have for politicians is directly related to the "daddy issues" of the band, that is, the fact of having a male, paternalistic and authoritative figure whom we have always seen lying in public as a matter of course.
After the laughter I have been thinking a lot about this question of why we trust political figures that we already know beforehand that they are lying to us. And this is something that happens in absolutely all parties and all ideological orientations: we love to believe the lies they tell us.
Either out of naivety, or as the aforementioned humorist said, because we have issues stuck with our parents. Evidently I, as an anarchist, have never believed anyone, I have never voted for any clown and I will never do it and I am certain that it is absolutely impossible to do things right in the political arena, everything is already too rotten and corrupt for anyone with good intentions to have any chance of success, that their fanciful proposals for change do not end up transformed into just that, in lies.
Now, can you imagine a government made up of dragons and tomboyish women, trans and unicorns?
Can you imagine what our societies would be like if they were not governed by heterosexuals? Would there be any difference in the way things are done? I leave these questions for you to ponder, and also the advice that you should try to laugh at the beginning of your days; maybe if the politicians applied this one and governed with a little more humor, another rooster would sing for us.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of Opinion 51.

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