By Dayana Aronovich

Entrepreneurship is an act of courage, especially in a competitive and challenging environment like Mexico's. In my experience, having a support network is not only valuable, it is indispensable. In my experience, having a support network is not only valuable, it is indispensable. In my case, that network has a name and a face: my twin sister, Dafna. Together, we have built U Can from scratch, facing financial, emotional and logistical challenges that only someone on the same path can understand.

Building a business in an industry dominated by international standards, such as sports equipment, requires an absolute level of commitment. However, what really makes the difference is having someone who believes in your vision as much as you do. Dafna and I don't just share a dream; we share strategies, responsibilities and even exhaustion. We are the example that the most effective support networks are not always outside of you; sometimes they are right next door.

Recently, we ventured to China to learn first-hand about global market trends and visit the factories where our products are made. It was a transformative experience. Seeing how our ideas come to life in the hands of experts and how we can influence every stage of the production process filled us with pride, but it also reminded us how crucial it is to have someone to share that journey with, both literally and figuratively.

In Mexico, entrepreneurship is not only an option, it is a necessity for many women. Mexico ranks 11th out of 49 economies with the highest number of women entrepreneurs, with 16.1% of its female population in the world of entrepreneurship, surpassing the United States, which ranks 15th. These numbers speak to the resilience and creativity of Mexican women, but also underscore the importance of building communities that encourage them.

Support networks among women entrepreneurs don't have to be limited to family relationships. At events, forums, yoga classes, I have met women with inspiring stories that have taught me as much as my own experience. Creating connections, sharing learnings and supporting each other not only expands our opportunities, but also strengthens us emotionally.

Daring to be an entrepreneur may seem like a solitary act, but it doesn't have to be. Women are redefining the meaning of entrepreneurial success, and we do it best when we do it together. In the end, the networks we weave become the solid foundation on which we build our goals.

If you are considering taking that first step towards your own business, my advice is simple: find your network. Whether it's a sister, a friend, a mentor or a group of women who share your vision. Because if this adventure has taught me anything, it's that together, we can go further than we ever imagined. And you, too, can be part of a network of women you can support. The power of our connections transcends our own goals and becomes an engine of change for all of us. 

*Dayana Aronovich is founder of U Can 

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