
By Claudia Pérez Atamoros

I had insomnia. And I remembered sayings from my past. Old hen makes good broth (Vero used to tell me about...) and the nuns with whom I was educated were advocates of living in chastity...

Hence this text, which measures without a yardstick and consigns without vain.

"She is a woman without scruples, she is a woman who measures, who spies on who she wants to buy, who she wants to associate with or who she wants to destroy," Noe Rivera, former SNTE election observers coordinator and former collaborator of the teacher, told Francisco Zea, journalist, in 2013.

With a fortune estimated at a little more than three hundred and seventy million -according of August 2019- product of her purely political calculation (although she assures that it comes from her mother's inheritance), teacher Elba Esther Gordillo is the herald of corruption made woman. For years a trafficker of influences, weathervane of the most spurious and vile unionism that in one way or another forged a whole school of delinquency inside and outside the Mexican teaching profession.

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.