By Claudia Pérez Atamoros
🎧 Audiocolumn

If you are a cisgender or transgender woman, you will still feel that they are breathing down your neck every day of your life; if you are a woman, the word is propitious to insult you, the fist to hit you and machismo to kill you. In the first nine months of the year there have been 2,026 victims of intentional homicide in the country and 695 femicides.

In Mexico, as of September of this year, more than 55 trans women have been victims of transfeminicides, with Mexico City being the city where most of them have been committed. The national territory is considered worldwide as the second nation where more trans femicides are committed in the world.

We all know well, very well, what fear, mistreatment, discrimination, violence in all its splendor is: sexual, labor, family, verbal and disguised... exercised against ourselves or in our environment, in our neighborhood, in our country. The enemy is at home. Call it home or nation.

The National Shelter Network reported that so far this year, 24,000 women and their children have been forced to flee from male violence and live in shelters.

In this Mexico of ours, where corpses are sown as if the fruits were to be a bonanza, women's lives are worth three shits, our lives are worth nothing; indeed, they are worth mothers!

So far in 2024, 10,058 cases of missing persons have been registered, of which 30.7% correspond to women: in just over three thousand homes there is an empty woman's chair. As for sexual violence against women, an incidence rate of 4,290 crimes per 100,000 was reported in 2023.

And no, we did not invent it, the language, dictionaries, proverbs, grammar and sayings have long been sexist, homophobic, denigrating, poisonous and artful against women: "I'll fuck that one in red", "that one in green bites me", "the one in pink does enjoy it" ....

They mock, they deny, even women and trans-exclusionary feminist women, the feminization of speech, of writing. Those in the know argue that the "o" is in general, generic, therefore, and that a trans woman is not a woman, and so on and so forth: they immortalize and support violence against women, which is generic here, and brand inclusive and inclusive language as absurd. 

Language is a dagger and kills.

Whore, bitch, slut, whore, slut, cat, servant...

#PutonasDelBienestar, #Presirvienta....

How many times have you read it in X, or heard it?

Every day should be a day against violence against women. Every day women die as victims of femicides: in the CDMX, five municipalities hold the macabre place with the highest number of femicides: Iztapalapa, Gustavo A. Madero, Cuauhtémoc, Tlalpan and Álvaro Obregón, in that very order.

According to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), as of September of this year, the most feminicidal states in the country are: the State of Mexico with 52 alleged feminicides, followed by Nuevo León with 50, Morelos with 41, Puebla with 39, Chihuahua with 38 and Baja California with 26.

Morelos tops the list of femicides per 100,000 women, with a rate of 3.98%, followed by Chihuahua with 1.90%, Baja California Sur with 1.61% and Nuevo León with 1.49%.

But, don't worry, we already have a presidentA. 

"And we all arrived."

What it is not to know how to count.


The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.