By Barbara Anderson
February 27, 2020: the Ministry of Health announces that the first case of Sars-Cov2 has been identified in the country. The dystopian images that we had been seeing for weeks from Asia, Europe or the United States were about to multiply in Mexico.
It was the largest and most global health crisis since 1918.
By the end of 2023, the World Health Organization estimated that more than 7 million people died from this virus worldwide, although it clarified that the real figure could be up to three times higher.
If we take the most conservative figure, it is as if the entire population of Nicaragua had disappeared in one fell swoop.
We locked ourselves away for almost two years, discovered the anguish of confinement, the complication of homeschooling, what were and were not essential activities, slogans and mascots like him 'Stay Home' to Susana Distancia.