By Yohali Reséndiz

"With 291 votes in favor, 158 against and 12 abstentions. The opinion of the Instructing Section regarding file LXVI/HCD/DP/02/2025 is approved. The request to remove the constitutional immunity of Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo is declared notoriously inadmissible". 

It is not only the complaint of "attempted rape" against Cuauhtémoc Blanco. 

Also his links with organized crime and serious accusations of misappropriation of resources when he was mayor of Cuernavaca and governor of Morelos. 

Have we already forgotten the false documentation he presented to be a candidate for mayor of Cuernavaca? Have we already forgotten that when he was mayor of Cuernavaca, a cartel made decisions in the drinking water system?

What a short memory. 

It is not that Cuauhtémoc Blanco is innocent, he was just protected. 

And the question is, why so much theater about women reaching public office if, when they get there, they become Ricardo Monreal's subordinates? 

Before the Morena plenary session, Ricardo Monreal's instruction was: "You must vote in favor of the ruling. This is a political persecution, they threatened and shared: on Thursday an arrest warrant will be issued against you and any of you can find yourselves in that situation and we will not protect you," he said. 

The congress only had to approve his desafuero because it is a political trial and all the elements and accusations against him have been on display for all to see.

And the privilege is to protect the deputy in his expressions in the tribune, not for the crimes he has committed in his daily life. 

Is what Cuauhtémoc Blanco represented for Morena still intact today? 

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