By Ana Victoria Garcia
Our ancestors knew the power of gathering, the value of sharing and the benefit of sitting in circles for companionship. Our ancestors knew that we are cyclical, they understood the wisdom to be found in listening to our instinct and the deep knowledge that is available in nature.
In a clumsy distraction we stopped listening. We were overcome by the fast pace and the seduction to arrive, to achieve, to do, to be efficient.
The influence of "more and faster" has won us over, sacrificing our natural cycles and rhythms. And if you are reading this and you are an entrepreneur, you will understand that burn out should not be normalized, and yet, according to studies by the University of Berkeley, 72% of entrepreneurs suffer from it.
When did doing business become unnatural?
My approach to entrepreneurship has been different, rebellious and holistic. Calling femininity to the table and dancing with the idea of seeking joy along the way. Understanding femininity as that creative force that nurtures, protects, is intuitive, flexible and empathetic; instead of suffering from dynamics governed by acting in a hurry, with overflowing ambitions and infinite growth; with practices obsessed with the end regardless of the means and forgetting the collective, in order to fulfill the destiny of profitability at all costs.
Not everything has to be so rigid, demanding and unsustainable. I believe that companies should be a vehicle to solve real problems taking us all to better places, and not instead, the way to create more problems and needs in order to grow, sell and win as a corporation.
"We will be as strong as we are united, and as weak as we choose to be divided."
- J.K Rowling
I have found that many women within Victoria147 share my vision of holistic entrepreneurship, of creating conscious value, of growing with a joyful, harmonious rhythm and creating companies from being, not from doing.
I have connected with different ways of doing business, where personal growth, spiritual connection, physical well-being and mental clarity are not at stake, but are part of the priorities that add up to doing business. A space where you can grow radially and not only exponentially and where the return on investment is not only in money but also in time, peace of mind, social and environmental positive impact. Where we seek to be sustainable and sustainable, knowing that our resources are not infinite and therefore, our growth as companies can not aspire to be either.