
By Aideé Zamorano

This year we will have the first Mexican female president!

They say that 2024 will be the time of women (is that positive or negative?), we already know that neither corruption, nor color, nor leadership have gender, it is unfortunate that they use the "m" for woman to equate with the "m" for mom and that this is the "added value" of women's profiles in politics. Really? the characteristic for which they deny us participation in the formal economy is the competence they highlight when we have to decide the future of the country? What we urgently need is a decision-maker who identifies and manages the inequalities that have historically been perpetuated between women and men. For me, for example, it is urgent to see care in the agenda of the next female candidates for the federal executive. Have you read any proposal in this sense? I have not. Sometimes I don't even think they have the issue on their list of priorities. 

When I speak of caregiving, I am referring to that group of the population that the National Survey for the Care System (ENASIC) recognized as people over 15 years of age who are in charge of infants, people with disabilities and the elderly. Finally, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) gave our representatives information for decision making in the area of care, with an insipid sample of a little more than seven thousand homes, we were able to verify (officially) that 80% of primary caregivers are women.

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.