
By Aideé Zamorano

I admire several women in Mexico's political life, some of them have opened spaces for me and/or trusted the work we do at Mamá Godín. Not all of them share the same party or ideology and 2024 is beginning to take off. As a risk manager, I see a high probability that communication will start to polarize, that women candidates will do the job of the patriarchy and attack one against the other, and that the impact will be the weakening of the feminist agenda. 

We need each other because when structural violence affects us, it does not distinguish political preferences. Whether we are 19 or 40, I learned this with Xóchilt Galvéz 's campaign team a couple of weekends ago. The men who listened to my story about labor, economic and gender violence and that of my partner did not know what to do with the information we told them, suddenly I felt like I was in the middle of a casting, definitelythe colleagues were not ready to listen to our stories and even less to accompany us or understand the effects of the machista structure in the lives of two Mexican women. 

Women at the forefront of the debate, leading the way to a more inclusive and equitable dialogue. Here, diversity of thought and equitable representation across sectors are not mere ideals; they are the heart of our community.