By Aidee Zamorano
I have zero tolerance for people who claim that women do not grow up in the
I get angry when a company explains to me that they lack self-esteem.
that moms decided to quit to take care of their children and I get anxious every
that some woman asks me for advice because she was fired for breastfeeding.
The world of formal work was designed by and for men. Every decision
from check-in and check-out times to who has access to workstations and who has access to the
leadership - is politics. I am not talking about parties, -because then they get scared of me-.
but on power distribution, labor rights and gender equality.
During the last five years, through the Mamá Godín Ranking, I have analyzed more
of four hundred employment organizations and it's overwhelming to put numbers to the
reality that forces us to abandon the economic independence disguised as
love. There are still many barriers to entry for women,
remain and grow in the formal economy:
- Only 1 in 10 people in companies is a mom.
- The cost of losing a mother in the workforce can exceed three million pesos.
- One in five companies has trouble retaining moms on their team
- Information is power and after looking at the trends of what works and what doesn't in organizations, I share with you a decalogue for labor justice with M for women and
of 8M. If you are responsible for implementing the 2030 Agenda in your work, here are some examples of how you can help.
here are my recommendations for you to report progress on at least four of the following
the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.
1. Evaluates care governance: every policy, regulation, process,
every leadership decision, shapes equal opportunity for all
2. Less work-life balance, more co-responsibility: Ask your staff.
(men and women) what they need in order to be able to care for, be cared for, and
3. Educate: from leaders to operational teams, so that the reality of the
point one tied with that of point two.
4. Implement flexible work schemes: Take into account the commute to and from work.
work, workloads, school calendars and schedules.
5. Close the wage gap: Do men and women without children earn the same amount?
than women with children in the same position? Yes or no Why?
6. Guarantees maternity and paternity leave: It's okay to get creative, offer
benefits in excess of the law, the sustainability of your business will be
will be grateful.
7. Eliminate the criminalization of motherhood: Start talking about care,
when you put care at the center of your business strategy, it will increase
8. Repeat step two: You can't design a safe workplace without the