By Aideé Zamorano
Dr. Verónica Athié explains it clearly: if we took care of the air we breathe as we take care of the water we drink, we would have already stopped the transmission of many diseases. For the past four years, I have been managing the risk of SARS-CoV-2, which means that I use mouth covers in all enclosed spaces. It is not out of fear; it is out of knowledge, self-care and love for my family.
This virus is still with us, causing serious illness, disability and death. As Dr. Paco Moreno says, sometimes in the health sector the existence of Long Covid is denied because it is easier to ignore what is not understood. But it is nonetheless real. My eight-year-old son sums it up beautifully:
- "Do you have microscopic eyes? If not, how can you tell me there's no virus here?"
Long Covid is not a minor ailment. It is a multisystemic disease that affects the nervous system, the heart and many other organs, leaving such a severe impact that some people can no longer perform basic activities such as getting out of bed or brushing their teeth. This is compounded by extreme fatigue, cognitive problems and cardiovascular complications. According to the medical community, it is associated with more than two hundred disabilities.
The Guadalupe-Reyes holiday season, with its recurring gatherings, trips and parties, increases our exposure to the virus. But taking care of ourselves does not mean not celebrating. It means being aware and taking measures to reduce risks.
Five actions to enjoy without neglecting your health:
Ventilate enclosed spaces. Make sure there is a constant flow of air, and if this is not possible, organize meetings outdoors. Remember that the cold cools, but does not make you cold.
2. Use high-quality mouthguards. Indoors, in airports, airplanes, public transportation or crowded meetings, a good mouthpiece can make all the difference.
3. Cheese technique. After spending time indoors, perform nasal washes and gargle to reduce the viral load.
4. Respect symptoms. If someone is sick, even with "just a cough and a runny nose," it is best to recommend staying home. Mutual care is always worth it.
5. Practice self-care. Wearing masks may generate stares or comments, but the important thing is your well-being and that of others.
I'm going to sound like the commercials of the late eighties: This season the best gift we can give is to take care of our health and the health of those we love.
Yes, SARS-CoV-2 remains a risk and information is power.

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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