By Aideé Zamorano
It has been more than 60 days since (your namesake), Citlalli Mejia Gonzalez and her children, Maria Paula and Marco Patricio, were separated by vicarious violence. What should have been a simple day of reunion, turned into a nightmare that has yet to end. Instead of returning to their mother, the children were abducted by their father, Marco Alonso Sanchez Vera. Marco has set up a new strategy to rape the mother (here you can learn about the complete case); he calls her cell phone and makes the children repeat a speech of rejection against her to tear her life a little more.
It seems that Marco Alonso Sánchez Vera has cronies of the patriarchal pact in the Quintana Roo State Prosecutor's Office and in the Westin, the place where the vicar father works. From afar, one can clearly see a network of complicity and omission, woven by institutions that should watch over justice and the welfare of children, but have chosen to remain shamefully silent. The Attorney General's Office of Quintana Roo, the Valleverde Institute and the prestigious hotel The Westin Resort & Spa Cancun, part of the Marriott International chain, are part of this story. A case where the laws that should protect women and children remain a dead letter, while in practice violence continues with total impunity.
Each call from Marco strangely coincides with the days Citlalli goes to the Quintana Roo State Prosecutor's Office. Does Deputy Prosecutor Sergio Iván Cruz Ledezma know about the anomalies in the case? Is he covering them up?
With less than ten days to 25N, what message do we women have to understand when an authority at such a level cannot - or will not - protect two minors and their mother? What justice is expected from a system where protection protocols fail and alerts are deactivated without any verification? This pattern of coincidences raises serious suspicions about complicity at all levels. Could you do something Citlalli, as the Secretary of Women?
Now let's talk about the Westin hotel, far from maintaining an ethical posture, it becomes a refuge and scene of this illegal retention. A hotel employee confirmed that last month the children who were abducted by their aggressor father spent hours at the hotel, accompanying him on his workday, instead of attending classes at the Valleverde Institute. What good is the reputation of a chain like Marriott International if the rights of two minors are violated in its facilities? What kind of people are in Human Resources who do not question why Marco Alonso Sanchez Vera took the children to work? Why won't they be in school? Why did the Westin suspend the payment of alimony to Citlalli since April 2023 if the aggressor continues to work with them? Could it be that Marco's payroll is out of regulation?
Secretary Citlalli Hernández:
We need your help in this and in dozens of cases in the same Prosecutor's Office. In a state that prides itself on the leadership of Morenoist women, institutional violence is occurring. When a State is paralyzed in the face of vicarious violence and institutional violence, it is an entire system that chooses to protect the aggressor and not the victims.
Vicarious violence is real, and the complicity of institutions and companies with this violence should shame society as a whole. Why the silence in the face of violence against children? It is clear to me that we are not facing a problem of lack of laws; we are facing a problem of lack of will to enforce them.
So I make a call (again) to all those who know, work or interact with Marco Alonso Sanchez Vera. The harm this man is causing to his children and their mother is a crime, and those who remain silent become accomplices. Because the rights of children are non-negotiable, and it is unacceptable that those who should protect them decide to look the other way.
#JusticeForPaulandMarco #SoonWeWillBecomeTogetherAbrazar

The opinions expressed are the responsibility of the authors and are absolutely independent of the position and editorial line of the company. Opinion 51.

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